Monday, September 24, 2007

Oooooohh! I get all goosebumply....

When I consider the following conversation:

Taxpayer-to-Senator 'X': "OK, so now you've been using the same accounting method that you make everyone else use for a while, let's see the books. (Scanning the balance sheet) Umm, where is the money for future Social Security and Medicare expenses?"

Senator 'X'-to-Taxpayer: "Oh, well, you see...we don't have to account for that money."

Taxpayer: "Why is that, exactly?"

Senator: "Because you see, the future payments for SS and MC are "promises", but they're not actual, true, legal obligations."

T: "So what are you telling me, you're not going to pay retirees or provide them free medical care?"

S: "Oh, no, of course we will."

T: "But, you don't HAVE to?"

S: "Right."

T: "So, then where is all the money that you collect for SS and MC?"

S: "It's...(unintelligible)."

T: "What? What did you say?"

S: "It's in the 'General Fund'."

T: "Wait a mean to tell me that all the money you collect from me for SS and Medicare isn't being put aside for me, but is just getting spent on your pet pork barrel crap?!"

S: "Well, you've never objected before."

T: "So I've put all this money into what I thought was my retirement and you've just been spending it - and all I've got to show is a non-binding, non-obligatory "promise" from you to give it back to me when I retire? Is THAT what you're trying to tell me?"

S: "Don't worry about it. You'll get your money."

T: "Well, how much have you currently "promised" to pay?"

S: "Uh, ummm, about...around...I think...something like...$60 Trillion"


S: "No, it's OK"

T: "It's not OK, you asshole! The number of workers necessary to support that level of benefit payment - we ain't got!

S: "Well, if you'd quit bitching about securing our borders, we will."

T: "So that's your plan? Import workers to stave off the collapse of our benefits programs - and so what if they sneak a nuke through our southern border?"

S: "That's not gonna happen."

T: "You are un-fucking-believable - do you know that?"

S: "Look, you just need to trust me."

T: (Grabbing Senator 'X' by the earlobe) "No. Never again. Let me tell you what you are going to do. You are going to start putting all the money you collect for SS and MC and all the other benefits you've "promised" aside - and you are NOT GOING TO SPEND IT. Then, you are going to pass a law officially recognizing your OBLIGATION to pay what you've promised. Then, you are going to figure out a way - without raising taxes - to collect and save enough to pay for all of this. Do I make myself clear?

S: (Unintelligible)


S: "Yes, sir."

T: "Then, you are going to secure our Southern Border with Mexico. I mean, SECURE the border. Do you understand? I don't care how many you let in, so long as we know who they are and where they are. Am I getting through to you, son? Are you clear on the concept?

S: "Yes, perfectly clear."

T: "That's good. Now, I want to see a report on your progress every TWO YEARS, got it?"

S: "Yes, sir."

T: "Fine. Now get out of here, you make me sick."

A modest proposal

I have decided to agitate in favor of a law requiring the government of the United States to adopt the "accrual basis" form of accounting.

If a small business used the "cash basis" form of accounting, it would never get any bank to loan it money. If a major corporation tried to use the "cash basis" form of accounting, the government would not permit it. But, that same government shamelessly perpetrates the most egregious accounting legerdemain every day of the year, lies to our faces about it and then DEMANDS more funding. When you think about it - it really is utterly outrageous. it's our money and future on the line; we must wake up and realize that we've got to get involved before the whole thing collapses under the weight of all the do-gooding socialist pipe dreams we've concocted over the last 75 years.

Make the government account for stuff the way it makes everyone else account for it. Then we'll see the reality of the situation we face. Politicians lie to us because they think we don't know - and don't want to know - the real situation. If we want to maintain a government "of the people", we have to know. The good news is, once we know, the politicians will realize that they don't have to lie to us anymore.

Monday, September 17, 2007

La la la la la...I don't hear you!

Today, we yell, "No blood for oil!" But, what happens if we lose that oil? What if we do what we say we ought to do? Will we then pat ourselves on the back for a good job? I think not. Economic collapse would be the result. Or, I suppose we could go back to drilling for oil and mining coal all over the U.S. Oh, but that's right, we want a pristine environment, don't we? Well, which do we want? Will we suffer nobly for our principles?

No, we won't. We will demand that the government *fix* the economy so we can have jobs. We will sell out our principles the moment we can't afford that new car or flat screen TV.

We want it both ways, but are too stupid to know what we're really asking for. Behind the smiles and soothing platitudes, our overlords in the political class are saying this:

"You want cheap gas? You want full employment? Then just look the other way while the government gets you what you asked for.

You want a job that pays well? Fine, just keep your mouth shut when we protect the business community from competition and guarantee them high profits so they'll do what YOU say you want.

You want universal, affordable health care? Great. But, don't say a word when we tell you to wait six months for an MRI - or that it's now against the law to go outside of the "National Healthcare System" - or that we're now going to dictate to you how much you can weigh, what you can eat...essentially, how to live your life.

You want a better life than your parents? Then just keep quiet when we go out and use our military to insure that the world is a safe place for us to do business."

You can't have it both ways - but the government will never tell you that. In fact, when someone does have the guts to tell you that, you lazily raise your head from "your" government's teat and warn him to shut up - then go right back on greedily sucking.

Do you want all our troops home? Or, do you want a good paying job? Because, you know, you really CAN'T have it both ways.

Sucks, huh?

If you look you will see

On this day, 220 years ago, our Constitution was signed and sent to the states for ratification.

Today, nearly 100 years of creeping socialism has lulled most to sleep. They do not see the liberties that their parents and grandparents had, which they can no longer claim without running afoul of a faceless beauracracy which has the power (and willingness) to destroy their lives.

In some places, like Philadelphia, the government has for so long, reached so far into our lives, that they feel perfectly justified in telling us that we can't consume certain foods that contain ingredients that *THEY* have decided are bad for us.

Will the people awaken? Will they arise in indignation and snatch back that which was taken from them in the name of "helping" or "protecting" them?

I am very apprehensive. I greatly fear that the answer is, "no".

Monday, September 10, 2007

OK, while I regain my grip...

H.L. Mencken said that every thinking man must, at some time in his life, feel the nearly uncontrollable urge to run up the Jolly Roger and start slitting throats.

Gun control activists have, for 40+ years, engaged in an hysterical, public spectacle - in which reason is abandoned because emotion is more compelling. A shrieking vomitus of emotion will almost always carry away the unintelligent and uneducated. Depressingly, in the U.S. today, the majority are unintelligent and uneducated. In fact, the more time an individual has spent in academia, the less educated he is likely to be.

We reasonable people have underestimated the effect of this tactic for far too long - and now we find ourselves utterly baffled by the fact that those who stand for the constitution and civil liberties are labeled fanatics and nuts and are on the defensive.

When logic and reason are seen as "tricks" and appeals to emotion are seen as the final word in argumentation, there really is nothing left to argue. Words and arguments are useless against someone who believes that an inanimate assembly of metal is inherently evil. In the same way that there is no basis for - and thus possibility of - negotiations with those who believe that Allah will grant them 72 virgins if they die on Jihad, there is no reaching out to those who see murder, not as an aberrant behavior, but as the result of the mere presence of a firearm. We should quit trying to be reasonable and become just as unreasonable as they are.

The time is fast approaching when I - and those like me - are going to stop talking. We are going to say, "Pass whatever law you like, but, don't come to my house and tell me I have to surrender my property and my God-given right to self-defense. You won't get a pleasant reception." There are millions of us. There aren't enough morons in this country to make even a half-assed attempt.

Am I a crazy? Am I a nut? Am I an extremist? Perhaps, but based on current definitions of extremism, so were Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Hancock, et alia. I'll proudly take rank with these men and repudiate the likes of John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

Mark my words, We The People, are going to take back our country and re-establish the primacy of the Constitution.

Yo Ho! Avast ye, scurvy dogs!