Saturday, February 26, 2005

Social Security - Part 1

I'm here to tell you...there is just so much Yada, Yada, Yada going on about Social Security reform. Let me see if I understand it. First, SS was created to protect old folks from being reduced to penury after their "productive" years. So, any changes must preserve that as its primary goal and end. Now, as I understand it, the problem with the current system is that sometime around 2020 the amount of money paid out of SS annually to retirees will exceed the amount being brought in. That is going to happen and there's nothing can change that. If we wish to preserve the system as is, there are three and ONLY three things you can do - 1. Raise taxes (which includes raising either rates, the cap on taxable income - or both) or 2. Reduce benefits (which includes reducing the rate of return or raising the age at which one can withdraw one's benefits - or both) or 3. Both reduce benefits and raise taxes. One of those three things will keep SS (as it is now) going for a good while. (end of part 1)

Saturday, February 12, 2005


I can't get this 'blog to look like I want it! I hope I won't have to learn XML.

Where to start

Let's see what's in the news: Eason Jordan of CNN quits; Here in Philadelphia there's been another rally for Mumia Abu Jamal; Ward Churchill will likely keep his job; the situation in Iraq...boy this should keep me busy.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

What I'm doing

The purpose of this web log is for me to pose questions. I do not presume to have answers. I have found, in my life, that just getting the right questions is often 75% of the battle.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The new kid on the block

Well, it's easy to gnash your teeth and bemoan the petulant hissy-fits that pass for journalism today, especially on the Web. It is quite another, I've found, to actually counter them intelligently.

That's what this 'blog is about.

I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Socialist, Libertarian, Fascist or Luddite. I admit to having almost NO answers...but if we can get to the right questions, we'll have gone 90% of the way to getting the right answers.

Onward, then.